Weekly Challenge -Self-building
How do you manage your time?
Time is the life. The construct and utilization of time define our lives. As the saying goes, wasted time is a lost part of life. Time is the most valuable commodity and yet cannot be bought. Time is of the essence and becoming conscious of this very important element of focus is our today’s challenge.
Like most other challenges, the conscious building of a given factor or element cannot be achieved in a day, it requires constant conscious practice over a specific period.
We utilize the Pomodoro technique of time management in this challenge. Take the challenge and embed it in other challenges as the week progresses. You can design your own Pomodoro technique formula. It is a simple challenge of concentrating on a given task for 25 minutes, taking a break for 5 minutes, repeating for 7 cycles, or as it suits you, and then, taking a longer break for 30 minutes. A formula designed for this can be found in the breathonomy training portal.
I wish you the best of a joyful positive fulfilling day.